Magic  Clips

Let AI pick out the best moments of your recording, then turn them into media-friendly, bite-size clips.

Turn magic moments

Into social clips

In the blink of AI.

Get started
*No credit card needed.
Free plan available.

Let it clip. Let it rip.


Your video and audio will upload to the cloud as you record, as separate tracks per guest, maintaining your recording quality


With a single click, AI identifies the highlights of your recording and turns them into standalone media clips, made for engagement


Click again to add captions and make your clips always accessible and forever watchable, no matter what, how, or where


Rework, select the right size and layout, change backgrounds, and finish off your clips however suits your needs and whatever way you please


Download your work to share it with your audience on your go-to social platform or channel of your choice

Magic Clips.
Real results.

Gary Vaynerchuk
Ali Abdaal
Guy Raz
Stephen Robles
Premiere Gal
Casey Neistat
Marques Brownlee

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