Turn magic moments into social clips, in the blink of AI.
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Editing as easy as editing text

Edit podcasts and videos 3x faster right after you finish recording
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Edit like a breeze with our text-based editor

Instant transcription

AI automatically transcribes your audio and video recordings right after your session.
It’s fast and reliable with unmatched accuracy, and is available in 100+ languages.

AI automatically transcribes your audio and video recordings right after your session. It’s fast and reliable with unmatched accuracy, and is available in 100+ languages.

Lightning-fast editing

Remove unnecessary parts of your content with the click of a button—no need to listen or watch everything back. Edit as fast as reading a doc.

Transcript timeline navigation

Speed up your post-production process by navigating the timeline via transcript. Click on a word or phrase to jump and play from that section.


Easily navigate back to memorable moments in seconds just by searching for the words. Then turn them into Clips for social media channels.

Speaker detection

Separate tracks for each participant let you quickly skim search results by speaker and find shareable moments even faster.

Automated multi-track sync

Save time and effort with automated multitrack sync. All audio and video remains in sync, no matter how many edits you make to an individual track.

Make it unique. Customize your content

AI speaker mode

Automatically switch to full-screen mode of who’s about to speak, 1 second before they actually start.

Custom branding

Choose your preferred participant layout, background, and logo to brand your studio experience.

Audio enhancements

Normalize audio levels or remove background noise in one click.

Make some content magic with Clips

Grow your audience
Transform key moments of your long-form content into short clips that can be easily shared online to reach more people.
Post perfectly on every channel
Repurpose clips in different layouts (9:16, 1:1, 16:9) to share on YouTube, stories, reels, and posts.

Now anyone can create professional podcasts and videos, fast

Editing should be intuitive, fast, and fun. With Riverside's text-based editor, you can edit audio and video as quickly as editing a doc.

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Separate Audio  & Video tracks

Editing should be intuitive, fast, and fun. With Riverside's text-based editor, you can edit audio and video as quickly as editing a doc.